We've been beavering away behind the scenes to find some of the best coffee roasters in London to join our London coffee club... and we have some good news: we've added three more London coffee roasters to our London coffee subscription! This post provides a quick overview of each of them and explains what you can expect from their London coffee beans :D
Redemption Roasters | https://www.redemptionroasters.com
Redemption Roasters are the UK’s first prison-based coffee roastery. They aim to provide prison residents with professional coffee industry training in order to give them a direct pathway to long-term employment. This mission is achieved in a variety of ways, including teaching inmates how to roast (all of Redemption Roasters coffee is produced just North of London by up to five prison residents at HMP The Mount) and providing barista training (academies at HMPs High Down and Pentonville give learners the skills they need to become coffee masters). This unique model helps to reduce reoffending and gives ex-offenders a second chance, which is a big tick in our book. Redemption Roasters have come a long way since opening their first coffee shop in Holborn and now have multiple establishments dotted across the capital. A prestigious London coffee roaster, we’re delighted to welcome them to our London coffee subscription!
PLOT Roasting | https://plotroasting.com
PLOT roasting are a small team based in Woolwich, South London. Their goal is to bring premium coffees to as many people as possible and, leveraging long term relationships with top tier farmers to source a range of delicious single origins, they’re doing an excellent job of it! Valuing precision and taste over all else, PLOT’s London coffee beans are carefully roasted on a Loring S35 Kestrel. This offers unprecedented control and accuracy and has the lowest emissions of any roaster of its size (big green tick from us). We’re delighted to welcome PLOT to our London coffee subscription and look forward to sending subscribers their fantastic London coffee beans!
Wood St Coffee Roasters | https://www.woodstcoffee.co.uk
Wood St Coffee Roasters is the brainchild of coffee fanatics Clare and Gareth Reid. Having started life in 2014 as a small stall in Walthamstow’s Wood Street Indoor Market (hence the name!), the Wood St team moved to Blackhorse workshop and quickly grew into a fully-fledged café/roastery operation. They’ve been serving up specialty brews to London locals for years now and put their success down to several unwavering principles: coffee must be sustainably sourced, harvested responsibly, roasted with care and brewed with precision. They’re a top London roaster and we’re thrilled to be able to include them in our London coffee subscription.
It's great to see so many independent coffee roasters in the Capital - it's a good indication that a city's coffee scene is thriving - and we're delighted to welcome Ritual Roasters, PLOT Roasting and Wood St Coffee Roasters to our London coffee club. As a reminder, if you sign up to our London coffee subscription, we'll send you beans from a different London coffee roaster every month. This gives you a convenient platform to discover delicious London coffee beans near you and helps support a variety of local, independent businesses.
Are there any London coffee roasters you'd like to see us add to our London coffee club? Or perhaps you're a London coffee roaster that's keen to join? Contact us and lets make it happen!